December 2020:
“Including the Diverse Faces of Arab Americans in the Curriculum” at the National Council for the Social Studies Conference
NAAWA EOP members Ilham Nasser, Sirine Midani, Jihan Andoni, and Wahiba Derouaze presented to educators from across the country at the National Conference for Social Studies on “Including the Diverse Faces of Arab Americans in the Curriculum.”
September 2020:
NAAWA held a month-long, virtual auction to support the Lebanese Red Cross after the explosion in Beirut on 8/4/2020.
August 2020:
“A Look Inside Palestinian and Israeli Classrooms” & Ethnic Studies in California
See NAAWA’s own Dr. Ilham Nasser masterfully discuss foreign influence on Palestinian schools and curricula in Miko Peled’s webinar “A Look Inside Palestinian and Israeli Classrooms,” a follow-up to his webinar series on Israeli influence in US classrooms which featured Board Member Jihan Andoni. As NAAWA pushes for accurate depictions of Arabs and Muslims in American history classrooms, we stand in solidarity with Palestinians advocating for the same in Palestine.
July 2020:
“What do they teach our children? Israel’s Intervention in American Social Studies Curriculum” webinar
NAAWA Board Member Jihan Andoni discusses the importance of the Educational Outreach Program in webinar “What do they teach our children? Israel’s Intervention in American Social Studies Curriculum.”
March 2020:
Annual Gala
January 2020:
Who is the Arab American? Webinar