Please join the National Arab American Women’s Association (NAAWA) and Citizens for Just Policy for a virtual Advocacy Training!

June 11 at 7 pm on Google Meet

Click Here to Register

Current events and a looming election mean it is especially crucial for our collective voice to reach our lawmakers. We recognize people within our communities feel they are not being heard.

This training will teach attendees how they can engage elected officials. Some of the topics covered will include:

  • Activism and Advocacy – How They Fit Together
  • An Overview of Congress – Bills, Chambers, Committees, Caucuses
  • Citizen Advocacy – How to Engage Your Representatives Effectively

You will receive the Google Meet link upon registration.


Register Here!

Our Mission

NAAWA is a membership-based grassroots organization of Arab American Women. We serve as a platform to support our community members and to connect and collaborate with other like-minded organizations advocating for social justice.

Our Objectives

Advocate and support activism and leadership participation of Arab American women in developing and enacting public policies that protect individual rights and freedoms for all citizens.
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What we do

Education Outreach Program
Reach out to your Representative
Monthly Event
Meet your Arab American Women Neighbor
Youth program

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